Monday, April 22, 2013

Thank A Teacher | What's Your K12 Story?

Thank A Teacher | What's Your K12 Story?: Thank A Teacher Hello My name is Preston and I am 16 about to be 17 on April 20th....I would like to just take a moment and explain how a teacher made a difference in my more at   Look for Preston..

Friday, January 4, 2013

Malala Yousafzai Survives

An assassination attempt was made by a group named by Taliban militants, on a 15 year old little girl named Malala Yousafzai.

 Her injuries were server, she was shot in the head by a militant in October.

She survived, and today she was discharged from the hospital in great condition.

The hospital's doctor Dr. David Rosser said, "Malala is a strong young woman and has worked hard with the people caring for her to make excellent progress in her recovery."

Her injuries were server, she was shot in the head by a militant in October.

After recovering she went home and was able to continue her life with her wonderful family, her father and mother were so thankful to have their little girl in their arms once again.

Things I have learned in Computer literacy

Here are some things I've learned while taking this Computer Literacy course.

I've learned about the importance of keyboarding skills. I've been able to practice typing more quickly and accurately.

 I've learned about proofreading for errors in grammar. I finally know the difference between there, they're and their!

Also, I've learned about giving effective presentations. I'm excited to try to use special elements in the next presentation i give.